Affiliate Portal release candidate: we are almost there!
The Affiliate Portal release candidate is available for download. Learn more about compatibility with add-ons. Continue reading

Now in beta 3: Affiliate Portal pro add-on
Name change! The Affiliate Dashboard will now be called the Affiliate Portal. Beta 3 is available now and full of improvements.Continue reading

Affiliate Dashboard Beta 2: getting better every day
Our new Affiliate Dashboard is now in beta phase 2. Not an hour goes by that our global team of developers is not adding to the final polish. Your affiliates are going to l-o-v-e it. Learn and see more.Continue reading

Now in beta: a better affiliate experience with the Affiliate Dashboard pro add-on
You’ve been asking for it. So we’ve been building it! After three months of hard work, we’re putting the finishing touches on and presenting to you the first beta version of our newest pro add-on, Affiliate Dashboard.Continue reading

For affiliates: 5 profitable affiliate marketing niches you should consider
Recently we talked about three important elements of choosing an affiliate marketing niche. This time, we take a closer look at 5 profitable affiliate marketing niches that combine both trend appeal and longevity!Continue reading

How Barn2 Plugins amplifies their business with AffiliateWP
UK-based couple Katie and Andy Keith have boosted the revenue of their software company Barn2 Plugins by nearly $150,000 thanks to affiliate marketing using AffiliateWP. In this edition of our Customer Showcase series, we take a look behind the scenes!Continue reading

Affiliate marketing terminology simplified
Whether you’re an affiliate yourself, or you run your own affiliate program, being as well-informed as possible is always one of the best things you can do if you want real results! In this post, we break down some of the most common affiliate marketing terms in simple language to help bring clarity to your affiliate marketing journey.Continue reading

AffiliateWP 2.6 Released
One of the most requested features in AffiliateWP is to auto-create a tracked affiliate coupon when an affiliate registers. In AffiliateWP 2.6 we are introducing a new feature, Dynamic Affiliate Coupons.Continue reading

WordPress wizardry and the magic of affiliate marketing with Johnny Nguyen
Johnny Nguyen is a WordPress speed expert, the founder of WPJohnny and JohnnyVPS, and a happy AffiliateWP user. In this edition of our Customer Showcase series, we talk about his story, his businesses, his experience with affiliate marketing, and what he loves about AffiliateWP!Continue reading

3 important elements of choosing an affiliate marketing niche
At AffiliateWP we always like to gain insights into the pain points of our audience, and one of the things affiliate marketers seem to struggle with most is choosing a niche. In this post, we talk about three important elements to consider when making this decisionContinue reading

5 high-impact marketing ideas for new affiliates
If you’re new to being an affiliate, promoting a business or product can feel a bit intimidating. What kind of marketing strategy should you use? What tactics actually work? Should you just copy what everyone else is doing? In this post, we discuss 5 high-impact marketing ideas to help get your creativity flowing!Continue reading

Automatic affiliate coupons for WooCommerce (and more!)
With the upcoming release of AffiliateWP v2.6, we’ve greatly improved tracked affiliate coupons for sites using WooCommerce.Continue reading