AffiliateWP 2.6 Released

One of the most requested features in AffiliateWP is to auto-create a tracked affiliate coupon when an affiliate registers. In AffiliateWP 2.6 we are introducing a new feature, Dynamic Affiliate Coupons.Continue reading

AffiliateWP 2.5 now available!

AffiliateWP 2.5 is here, and it comes with improvements to sales reporting. It comes with six new sales metrics that will help you understand how your affiliate program impacts your sales.Continue reading

CSV import tools, payout reports, and more with version 2.1

We are excited to share with you the release of AffiliateWP 2.1. This is a large update that includes a number of significant improvements and many smaller items that really help to bring further polish to AffiliateWP.

In total, we have introduced 11 new features and improvements and fixed 19 bugs.Continue reading