Referral types, opt-in forms, GDPR privacy tools and more in AffiliateWP version 2.2
AffiliateWP 2.2 has been released and with it we have introduced a series of new features and tools that help site owners comply with the European GDPR regulations.Continue reading
Be prepared for the upcoming US tax reporting deadlines
Do you have affiliates in the US? In this post, Scott DeLuzio covers US tax reporting. If you run an affiliate program and have US-based affiliates, you may have additional tax reporting requirements. Check out this article to make sure you’re prepared!Continue reading
Take control of your Affiliate Area with Affiliate Area Tabs v1.2
Affiliate Area Tabs version 1.2 makes it even easier than before to manage tabs within the Affiliate Area. Reorder tabs via drag and drop, hide existing tabs, add new tabs and more!Continue reading
CSV import tools, payout reports, and more with version 2.1
We are excited to share with you the release of AffiliateWP 2.1. This is a large update that includes a number of significant improvements and many smaller items that really help to bring further polish to AffiliateWP.
In total, we have introduced 11 new features and improvements and fixed 19 bugs.Continue reading
Version 2.1 beta released
After six months in development, we are excited to share the new improvements in the upcoming 2.1 version of AffiliateWP. This is a major release that includes a number of new features and significant improvements, as well as numerous fixes.Continue reading
Direct Link Tracking v1.1 released!
Direct Link Tracking has been updated to version 1.1, bringing support for domains with paths, email notifications and some welcome improvements to both the admin interface and front-end Affiliate Area.Continue reading
Recurring Referrals version 1.6 released!
Recurring Referrals, one of our most widely used Professional add-ons has just been updated to version 1.6. In this update, we’re pleased to introduce three new eCommerce integrations and several new features to help affiliate managers run a more flexible and inviting affiliate program.Continue reading
Create, update, and delete affiliate data with Zapier add-on
A few months ago we released the first version of our Zapier add-on that allows you to connect AffiliateWP to over 700 web services. Today we’re happy to announce the release of version 1.1 of the add-on that makes it so much better.Continue reading
Affiliate Landing Pages add-on released!
We are incredibly excited to announce the launch of our brand new pro add-on, Affiliate Landing Pages. Read our post to find out more about how it works and why this awesome new add-on is super powerful!Continue reading
Introducing the REST API Extended add-on
In AffiliateWP 1.9, we introduced a complete RESTful API that provided developers with easy access to all data within AffiliateWP. The API had one limitation, however: it was read-only. We are thrilled to announce the release of a new pro add-on that extends the REST API to add complete Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations. Check out our release post to learn more!Continue reading
Version 2.0 released!
After several weeks in beta, we are pleased to announce the release of AffiliateWP 2.0. With this new version we have introduced support for six new eCommerce, membership, and form builder integrations, made significant improvements to data handling, and added new options that help you more easily customize AffiliateWP to suit your exact needs.Continue reading
Version 2.0 beta now available
We have been hard at work on version 2.0 of AffiliateWP for several months and are just about ready to release it to everyone. This version introduces a lot of enhancements to AffiliateWP to help make your affiliate program better, more efficient, and more reliable.Continue reading