WooCommerce Redirect Affiliates Installation and Usage

This plugin redirects affiliates to the affiliate area when they login via WooCommerce’s /my-account page.

In this article, we’ll show you how to install and set up the WooCommerce Redirect Affiliates add-on for AffiliateWP.

Installing the WooCommerce Redirect Affiliates Add-on

Before we get started, be sure to install and activate AffiliateWP on your WordPress site.

Once you’ve got AffiliateWP installed and your license is verified, you’ll be able to quickly install and activate the WooCommerce Redirect Affiliates add-on.

Using WooCommerce Redirect Affiliates

There are no settings for this add-on. Once installed and activated, your Affiliates will be redirected to their affiliate area, rather than the /my-account page that WooCommerce provides.