Vanity Coupon Codes Installation and Usage

How to Install and Use the Vanity Coupon Codes Addon for AffiliateWP

Would you like your affiliates to share their tracked affiliate coupons more quickly and help drive more sales on your site? With our Vanity Coupon Codes add-on, your affiliates can request a custom name for their assigned coupons, right from within the Affiliate Area or Affiliate Portal.

In this article, we’ll show you how to install and set up the Vanity Coupon Codes add-on for AffiliateWP.

  1. Supported Integrations
  2. Installing the Vanity Coupon Codes Add-on
  3. Using Vanity Coupon Codes

1. Supported Integrations

2. Installing the Vanity Coupon Codes Add-on

Before we get started, be sure to install and activate AffiliateWP on your WordPress site.

Once you’ve got AffiliateWP installed and your license is verified, you’ll be able to quickly install and activate the Vanity Coupon Codes add-on.

That’s it! Affiliates can now request a new name for any coupons assigned to them.

3. Using Vanity Coupon Codes

This is how they would appear in the Affiliate Area via the Affiliate Portal – Coupons view. This shows one coupon name change has been requested and is awaiting on the site admin to Accept or Reject.

Coupons page in the Affiliate Portal

Reviewing Vanity Coupon Codes

Coupon code names requested by your affiliates appear within the AffiliateWP » Vanity Coupon Codes admin screen.

Vanity coupon codes list in the admin

Approving a coupon code

To approve a coupon code name, click Accept in the Actions column. The affiliate will receive an email notifying them of the approved coupon code name.

Rejecting a coupon code

To reject a coupon code name, click Reject in the Actions column. The affiliate will receive an email notifying them of the rejected coupon code name.

That’s it! Now your affiliates can request the coupon code name they prefer, which will make them more motivated to promote your website.