
To enable support for MemberPress, navigate to AffiliateWP » Settings » Integrations and check the box that says MemberPress:

Once enabled, AffiliateWP will automatically generate referral records when a customer successfully registers for your site after clicking on a referral link.

In AffiliateWP » Referrals, the Reference column refers to the transaction number in MemberPress.

Clicking on the Reference column will take you directly to the transaction record in MemberPress.

Affiliate Coupon Tracking

To enable affiliate coupon tracking, navigate to MemberPress » Coupons and create a new coupon code.

On the right side of the screen, there will be an input field called Affiliate:

MemberPress add new coupon

Simply begin typing the name of the affiliate you wish to connect the discount code to and select the affiliate from the list of user accounts found.

Any time this discount code is redeemed, and a purchase or conversion is completed, the connected affiliate will be awarded a referral.

Membership Specific Settings

The referral rate used to calculate an affiliate’s commission amount on sales can be set on a per-membership basis. To set a membership-specific rate, go to the edit screen for a Membership level and enter the the rate you wish to use in the Referral Rate field in the Affiliate Rate sectionYou can also disable referrals on this membership level by checking the Disable referrals on this membership check box:

MemberPress Affiliate Rate

Recurring Settings

If you are using our  Recurring Referrals add-on to create referrals from membership payments, you can set the recurring rate and also limit the recurring referrals created for payments from a specific membership:

membership recurring referral settings