Sales Reports

Want to track how much revenue your affiliates are generating? The Sales tab in AffiliateWP » Reports provides a detailed breakdown of affiliate-driven sales, allowing you to analyze trends, monitor revenue, and optimize your affiliate program. By combining referral and order data, AffiliateWP makes it easy to measure the success of your affiliate marketing efforts.

This guide covers how the Sales tab works, including filtering sales data, viewing quick stats, analyzing trends, and syncing sales data after an upgrade.

Supported Integrations

Currently, the Sales tab is available for the following integrations:

If you are using one of these integrations, the Sales tab will automatically collect and display affiliate-driven sales data.

Syncing Sales Data After Upgrading

If you recently upgraded from an older version of AffiliateWP, you may see an admin notice prompting you to sync your sales data. This process retroactively creates Sales records for past orders and referrals, ensuring that historical sales data appears correctly in reports.

To complete the sync:

  1. Go to AffiliateWP » Reports and navigate to the Sales tab.
  2. Click the Sync Sales Data button if prompted.
  3. Wait for the process to complete—this may take a few minutes, depending on the volume of historical data.
  4. Once synced, past affiliate-generated sales will appear in your reports.

Here’s an example of a typical Sales page:

Filtering Sales Data

The Filters section provides a set of date filters for an affiliate manager to sort the Sales data by (both Quick Stats and Trends).

Available date filters are:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • This Week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • This Quarter
  • Last Quarter
  • This Year
  • Last Year
  • Custom

Like the other Reports tabs, selecting custom will provide a set of date ranges to fine-tune the data. The custom date range will also persist across each tab of the Reports screen, making it quick and easy to see related data for the date range.

Quick Stats

The Quick Stats section provides an overview of affiliate-driven sales performance. The key metrics include:

Gross Affiliate-generated Revenue
Total revenue earned as a result of affiliate-generated sales.

Net Affiliate-generated Revenue – All Time
Total revenue earned as a result of affiliate-generated sales, with affiliate earnings deducted after calculating overall data.

Gross Revenue Increase From Affiliates – All Time
Increase in gross revenue as a result of affiliate-generated sales after calculating overall data.

Gross Affiliate-generated Revenue – Filter
Total revenue earned as a result of affiliate-generated sales after applying the filter.

Affiliate-generated Sales
Percentage (%) of sales generated by affiliates.

Total Affiliate Sales Earnings – Filter
Total amount earned by affiliates as a result of affiliate-generated sales after applying the filter.

Net Affiliate-generated Revenue – Filter
Net revenue generated by affiliates after applying the filter.

Affiliate-generated Sales – Filter
Percentage (%) of sales generated by affiliates after applying the filter.

Gross Revenue Increase From Affiliates – Filter
Increase in gross revenue as a result of affiliate-generated sales after applying the filter.

Affiliate-generated Sale Count – Filter
Total number of affiliate-generated sales after applying the filter.

These statistics help you understand the financial impact of your affiliate program at a glance.

The Trends section provides a graphical representation of affiliate-driven sales. The graph updates dynamically based on the selected date filter, making it easy to identify patterns and track performance over time. The Trends section shows a graphical representation of:

  • Gross Affiliate-generated Revenue
  • Total Affiliate Sales Earnings
  • Net Affiliate-generated Revenue

The Trends graph will update based on the selected date filter at the top of the screen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Sales tab in AffiliateWP?

The Sales tab allows affiliate managers to easily measure the success of their affiliate program by providing detailed insights into affiliate-generated sales.

What should I do if I see a prompt to “sync” my sales data after upgrading AffiliateWP?

If you’ve recently upgraded AffiliateWP and encounter an admin notice to “sync” your sales data, it’s recommended to proceed with the sync process. This action creates retroactive sales records for previous orders and referrals, ensuring your data is complete and up-to-date.

In conclusion, AffiliateWP’s Sales Reports feature offers a powerful and intuitive way to analyze the success of your affiliate program. From tracking affiliate-generated revenue to providing detailed metrics and trends, the tools empower program managers to make data-driven decisions that drive growth.