When it comes time to pay your affiliates their referral earnings, there are several ways you can go about it if you aren’t able to use PayPal, or would prefer not to use PayPal. Find out how to pay your affiliates without using PayPal below.
Paying your affiliates via our Payouts Service
AffiliateWP includes a fully integrated payouts service that makes it incredibly simple to pay affiliates in more than 30 different countries. Affiliates receive payments directly to their bank accounts in as little as 3 days.
Learn more about using the Payouts Service here.
Paying your affiliates via an online mass payment system
On the AffiliateWP » Referrals page is a blue Pay Affiliates button you can use to select and generate a CSV file of affiliates and their collective totals.
The CSV file generated will consist of the email addresses, the collective amounts, and the currency for all affiliates that have unpaid earnings for the date range specified.
This file has been specifically formatted for the Mass Payment option provided by Skrill, as well as other similar systems. If you are using a mass payment system other than PayPal, the email address associated with an affiliate’s payment account can be set from their Edit screen.
When you upload this CSV file, the online payment service will take the amounts and email addresses stored in the file and create a mass payment.
Note: When using the Generate CSV File button, all referrals that appear in the preview will be automatically marked with a Paid status.
Paying your affiliates via bank transfer
If you wish to pay your affiliates directly into their bank account via Bank Transfer, this will need to be done manually by you through your bank (this process doesn’t take place through AffiliateWP). You simply need to communicate to your affiliates that they will be paid via bank transfer, and they will need to provide you with their bank account details so you can transfer money to their account.
If your bank supports mass payments, you can export the CSV payout file (as mentioned above) and upload it to your bank’s online banking portal. Exporting this file will automatically set all Unpaid referrals to a Paid status.
If your bank doesn’t support mass payments, you can make individual payments to your affiliates through your bank. You could set each affiliate up as a saved payee to help streamline this process for when you need to pay your affiliates.
When you have made these payments to your affiliates, you can then manually set the referrals which have been paid to a Paid status on the AffiliateWP » Referrals page.