Affiliate Info addon

Would you like to display information about the affiliate currently being tracked on your website? The Affiliate Info addon for AffiliateWP allows you to show specific affiliate details, such as their name, email, or website URL, based on the affiliate currently being tracked. This can be useful for providing personalized information to visitors who arrive through an affiliate’s referral link.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to install and set up the Affiliate Info addon and how to use its various shortcodes to display affiliate information across your site.

Installing the Affiliate Info addon

Before we get started, be sure to install and activate AffiliateWP on your WordPress site.

Once you’ve got AffiliateWP installed and your license is verified, you’ll be able to quickly install and activate the Affiliate Info addon.

Using Affiliate Info Shortcodes

The Affiliate Info addon provides a set of shortcodes that allow you to display various pieces of information about the affiliate being tracked. These shortcodes can be used anywhere on your website to dynamically show affiliate data based on the referral link the visitor used to arrive on your site.

Here are the available shortcodes:

Displays the affiliate’s display name, as set in their WordPress profile.

This shortcode shows the affiliate’s website URL, which is taken from their WordPress profile.

Use this shortcode to display the affiliate’s email address.

Shows the affiliate’s Gravatar image, based on the email address associated with their WordPress account.

This shortcode displays the affiliate’s WordPress username.

Show the affiliate’s biographical info (from their WordPress profile)

If the Yoast SEO plugin is installed, this will display the affiliate’s Twitter handle, as set in their WordPress profile.

Outputs the affiliate’s Facebook URL from their WordPress profile, again if the Yoast SEO plugin is installed.

Shows specific content when an affiliate is being tracked. For example:

Your site representative is [affiliate_info_name].

In this case, the visitor will see “Your site representative is [affiliate_info_name],” with the affiliate’s name displayed dynamically.

Displays content only when no affiliate is being tracked. This is useful for providing fallback content to visitors who arrive without a referral link.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I display multiple pieces of affiliate information together?

Yes, you can use several shortcodes together on a page or post. For example, to display the affiliate’s name and email in the same section, you can combine [affiliate_info_name] and [affiliate_info_email] shortcodes.

Can I use these shortcodes on any page of my website?

Yes, you can use the Affiliate Info shortcodes on any post, page, or widget area across your WordPress site. The content displayed will depend on whether an affiliate is being tracked for that specific visitor.

Do I need any additional plugins for some shortcodes to work?

Certain shortcodes like [affiliate_info_twitter], [affiliate_info_facebook] require the Yoast SEO plugin. These fields are added to the affiliate’s WordPress profile when Yoast SEO is active.

How does the Gravatar image display work?

The [affiliate_info_gravatar] shortcode pulls the affiliate’s Gravatar image based on the email associated with their WordPress profile. If the affiliate does not have a Gravatar set up, the default Gravatar image will be shown.

That’s it! The Affiliate Info addon makes it easy to display relevant information about the affiliate being tracked. Whether you want to show the affiliate’s name, email, or social media profiles, these shortcodes allow you to add dynamic affiliate data throughout your site. By doing so, you can provide a more personalized experience for visitors who arrive through referral links.

Now you can start displaying valuable information about affiliates across your website, enhancing the affiliate and customer relationship.