Paid Member Subscriptions

To enable support for Paid Member Subscriptions, go to Affiliates » Settings » Integrationscheck the box that says Paid Member Subscriptions, then click Save Changes:

That’s it! When a customer clicks on an affiliate’s referral link and purchases a subscription, AffiliateWP will now generate a referral:

Paid Member Subscriptions referral

In Affiliates » Referrals, the Reference column refers to the payment ID in Paid Member Subscriptions.

Per-subscription plan referral rates

The referral rate used to calculate an affiliate’s commission amount can be set on a per-subscription plan basis. To set a per-subscription plan referral rate, go to the edit screen for a subscription plan and enter the the rate you wish to use in the 
Referral Rate input field:

Paid Member Subscriptions detail page

If an affiliate has an affiliate-specific rate, their custom rate will always take precedence over the per-subscription plan referral rate.

Affiliate Coupon Tracking

Paid Member Subscriptions support affiliate coupon tracking with the use of their Discount Codes add-on. 

  1. Make sure you have the Discount Codes add-on.
  2. Go to Paid Member Subscriptions » Discount Codes and edit an existing discount code (or add a new discount code). 
  3. In the Affiliate Discount? input field simply begin typing the name of the affiliate you wish to connect the discount code to and select the affiliate from the list of user accounts found:

That’s it! Any time the discount code is redeemed the connected affiliate will be awarded a referral.