Restrict Content Pro

To enable support for Restrict Content Pro, go to AffiliateWP » Settings » Integrations and check the box next to Restrict Content Pro:

Once enabled, AffiliateWP will automatically generate referral records when a customer successfully registers for your site after clicking on a referral link.

In AffiliateWP » Referrals, the Reference column refers to the membership key in Restrict Content Pro.

Clicking on the Reference column will take you directly to the payment record in Restrict » Payment History.

Per-membership level referral rates

Admins can set referral rates on a per-membership level within Restrict Content Pro.

This means that each membership level in Restrict Content Pro can have a specific commission rate. This specific commission rate will be awarded to affiliates who refer customers to your site who then sign up for that particular membership level.

When creating or editing a membership level, locate the Affiliate Rate input field and enter your specific membership level referral rate. You can also disable all referrals for a specific membership level (such as a trial membership period, for example):

AffiliateWP settings available on the membership level edit screen.

If no rate is entered, the default rate in the AffiliateWP settings will be used.

Recurring Referral Rates

If you are using our Recurring Referrals add-on to create referrals from Restrict Content Pro memberships,  you can now specify custom settings for recurring referrals at the membership level.  You can set the recurring rate and also limit the recurring referrals created for recurring payments per-membership:

Recurring Referrals settings available on the membership level edit screen.

Affiliate Coupon Tracking

To enable affiliate coupon tracking, go to Restrict » Discount Codes and create a new discount code. At the bottom of the Add New Discount form, there will be an input field called Affiliate Discount?:

Discount code edit screen showing how to assign an affiliate to the discount code

Simply begin typing the name of the affiliate you wish to connect the discount code to, and select the affiliate from the list of user accounts found:

Discount code edit screen showing how to search for an affiliate's name to assign to the code.

Any time this discount code is redeemed, and a purchase is completed, the connected affiliate will be awarded a referral.