Affiliate Account Page

For any affiliate program to succeed, providing affiliates with a dedicated space to manage their activities is crucial. AffiliateWP offers a robust solution by allowing you to create a dedicated Affiliate Area on your WordPress site. This area enables affiliates to log in, view their performance statistics, generate referral links, and manage their account details.

AffiliateWP will automatically create a page called Affiliate Area when it is first installed on the site, and it will also populate this page with the Affiliate Area block. However, if the page didn’t get created, you can follow this documentation to set it up manually.

Adding the Affiliate Area Block

Before we get started, be sure to install and activate AffiliateWP on your WordPress site, and you’ve verified the license.

Once you’ve installed the plugin, navigate to the admin area of your WordPress website. From the dashboard, go to Pages and click on Add New Page. This will open a new page editor where you can start building your Affiliate area form.

Add new Affiliate accounts page

Next, add a page title such as Affiliate Area. This title will help you identify the page and its purpose.

After entering the title, you can add a new block by clicking the plus (+) icon in the upper left corner. This will open a menu of block options. To locate the Affiliate Area block, you can search for Affiliate Area or scroll to the Widgets category.

Affiliate Area block

Click on the Affiliate Area block to add it to your page. This block will automatically generate the affiliate area, providing affiliates with access to their account details, referral stats, and other features.

Once the block is added, click Publish to make the page live on your website.

AfiliateWP Affiliate Account Area

Adding the Affiliate Area Shortcode

If you prefer using the classic editor or a different page builder, you can add the affiliate area using [affiliate_area] shortcode

Affiliate area shortcode

Assigning the Affiliate Area Page

After creating the affiliate area page, you need to set it as the accounts area page within AffiliateWP. To do this, navigate to AffiliateWP » Settings » Affiliates in your WordPress dashboard.

In the settings, locate the Affiliate Account Page field. From the dropdown menu, select the affiliate area page you created. This step ensures that affiliates are directed to the correct page to access their account details.

Affiliate Account page

Finally, click the Save Changes button to apply the new settings. Your affiliate area is now ready to use.

Viewing the Affiliate Area

When a logged-in affiliate visits the affiliate area page, they will have access to various features such as their referral stats, affiliate links, and account settings.

AffiliateWP accounts area frontend

However, if a non-logged-in user attempts to view the page, they will see the message: “You’re unauthorized to view this page. Please log in and try again.”, and user will have to login to access the accounts area.

Affiliate Account area message for logged out users

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I add the Affiliate Area to an existing page on my site?

Yes, you can add the Affiliate Area block to any existing page by following the steps for adding the block to a new page. Alternatively, you can use the [affiliate_area] shortcode.

Can I provide affiliates with promotional materials in the Affiliate Area?

Yes, you can provide affiliates with promotional materials such as banners, text links, and other creatives directly within the Affiliate Area using the Creatives feature in AffiliateWP.

That’s it! Setting up an affiliate area in AffiliateWP is a straightforward process that enhances the user experience for your affiliates. By following these steps, you can create a professional accounts area that seamlessly integrates with your WordPress site and AffiliateWP.